JETTAA Newsletter: Japan Culture Day Article


Japan Culture Day @ DU by by Teri Galvez

“The art of ikebana (Japanese flower arrangements), a demonstration of katsuobushi (the practice of shaving bonito fish), and a live performance with koto, shakuhachi, and shamisen (Japanese traditional music instruments) were some of the attractions that the public enjoyed during the Japanese Culture Day organized by the Denver Takayama Sister Cities. The event was the first one of its kind held by the organization together with Denver University at the beginning of November. Acting Japanese Consul General Kazumasa Kondo spoke briefly about the importance of this holiday and that the consulate appreciated the Denver Takayama committee holding their celebration.

In Japan, Culture Day (Bunka No Hi) happens on November 3rd, and it is a day to honor traditional Japanese Culture. As the current Japanese constitution was officially adopted after the end of the WWII on November 3rd, 1946, Culture Day also promotes the love of freedom and peace expressed in the constitution.

At the Denver-Takayama Sister Cities’ Culture Day, the guests also had the opportunity to try Yosakoi – a high energy Japanese dance based on traditional movements and modern music. Food, vendors, presentations about unique aspects of the Japanese culture and the taste of new learnings were spread all over the festivity with a total of over 100 participants.

The committee is looking ahead to celebrating Culture Day in 2019. Upcoming trips and events organized by the Denver-Takayama Sister Cities can be found at “


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